About Me

We are a family of 5. Mr. Landry is married to me Mrs. Landry and we are raising 3 children, one boy and two girls.
We have two kitties, a little shelter rescue dog named Millie. We live in northern New England, and are a blended family/step, like many families of today. We have been married for over 5 years and this lifestyle has been a work in progress.

Before we chose this lifestyle, we both lived through infidelity and divorce. We agree that it was THE best thing to ever happen to us.

Mr. Landry was looking for a loyal, nuturing, loving wife and I was looking for a husband who prided himself in being a loyal, loving, provider. We both were looking for someone who believed in old fashioned values. WE were a PERFECT match.

It has been my hope to be a stay at home mom with stability in my life and for my children. Of course the fashion I wear and decorating with antiques/vintage is a plus. We are Christian, but honestly one does not have to be to adopt this lifestyle. We don't drink or smoke. No, I'm not oppressed or a kept woman. I simply choose to be happy and create a home of refuge, grace and productivity.

There are a lot of us "housewives/homemakers" out there today and we get a bad rap for being oppressed. I believe the "feminists" have it all wrong, and that's my opinion. We all have one, don't we?

I lay my husbands clothing out on the bed, every morning before work. I get his coffee before he gets out of bed, and see him off to work with a kiss and hug. Things like this are called ACTS of love. Men want to be nurtured and my husband agrees.

I heard someone say this once. "Sometimes you have to go outside, to get back in." I believe there is something amazing to the "1950's Housewife" lifestyle. It works.


  1. Hi there,

    I found your blog after one of my friends shared it with me on Facebook and wanted to run a few things by you. I'm working on a home education project, and I think it’s something you could definitely relate to. Let me know if you have a moment to discuss.




  2. Hello Mrs. Jean,

    I am contacting you to ask if I could use your text and images to produce secured image-base videos streamed from http://CulturalHistoryChannel.com which are viewed by older adults.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Brad D. Berman, Director, M.Ed., ADC
    Cultural History Channel

  3. Hello Mrs. Jean,

    I am contacting you to ask if I could use your text and images to produce secured image-base videos streamed from http://CulturalHistoryChannel.com which are viewed by older adults.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Brad D. Berman, Director, M.Ed., ADC
    Cultural History Channel

  4. Dear Mrs. Landry,

    Thank you for understanding and discussing the true "Work at Home Woman". Your gentle pride, joy, humor and kindness show through all that you share. My Mom, although a trained and educated registered nurse, enjoyed being at home and raising her children and sharing her life with her husband and life's partner, my Dad.

    Nearly every kid in the neighborhood hung out at our house. My Dad was in the U.S. Navy and we moved a lot. Still, no matter where we lived, Mom made a Home and everyone in the area enjoyed that. My parents morals and beliefs form a strong foundation in my life to this day. Although not a "vintage woman", I appreciate the perspective and integrate quite a lot into our lives as well.

    Taking pride in creating that for yourself, your husband and your family is a nearly lost art. It's also a very strong expression of the incredible abilities of women in general. Kudos to you for being yourself.

    Both my parents have passed on and I miss them everyday. Thank you, again, for this little glimpse of "what was" and for sharing "what can be".

    Many kind thoughts and well wishes to you and your family. I hope you will continue to post, blog, share, teach and shine.


    Mrs. Jacqueline Smith

  5. Hi, I am working on a TV series called Amazing on the Inside and I'm looking for people who live their life in a different era. I would love to have a chat with you about it. Please email hayley.moran@barcroftproductions.com if you would like to find out more.

  6. SOOOO sad to have found your page to then realize is it no more..
    Not even FB or Twitter..
    if you are on ANY where , I'd be interested.

  7. I just found this page as well. I hope you will start up again. I would be interested in following you and learning more of your tips. Thanks. Teresa

  8. Just found you! Please continue. Love your content and I agree wholeheartedly with your values!
